**The monthly payment is determined by Afterpay.
Once your order ships, you'll receive a shipping confirmation email and tracking number, so you can follow your package as it makes its way to you. However, tracking information can take up to 24 hours to update, so don’t worry if it doesn't show up immediately. We recommend tracking your order and ensuring that you’re home on the day of delivery to receive your order.
Inventory orders are typically shipped the next business day and will be delivered within 1-5 business days. For more information, please check our Shipping and Return Policy.
Unfortunately, we’re unable to cancel your order once it ships.
For the most efficient resolution to obtain the item you desire, we recommend returning the original item. Once your return is approved, we encourage you to proceed with a separate purchase for the new item. For more information, please check our Return & Refund Policy.
We deliver your order straight to your address via FedEx & Canada Post. You’ll receive an email with a tracking number when your order ships, so you can easily track your order. Please ensure that you’re home on the day of delivery to receive your order.
In the unlikely event that you come across any damaged, defective or missing parts, please contact us at support@goblacklyte.com with a photo of the affected area and your order number. Our support specialists will do their best to assist you.
loved it!
Really pleased with the product, certainly the most comfortable office chair I’ve ever owned
They look like SL but way cheaper
So glad i didn't buy the Corsair TC 100.
From what i heard in reviews it is cheaply built compared to this one.
Spend the extra 100$ it is totally worth it!!
The only gripe I have is the head rest is alitte over exaggerated. Elsewhere it's comfortable for hours at a time (8+)and i love the recline feature. Great quality chair for a good price.
Great chair! Very easy to assemble with clear instructions, took me about 25 minutes alone. Comfortable specially with the lumbar support. Great recline and I’m a big guy 280 pounds, but feels super sturdy and can easily handle the weight. Looove the 4D chair handles super convenient! The chair sits a little too high to my liking so I sit at the lowest level (I’m 5’11). As great as the lumbar support is, it’s not fixed to anything so keeps on falling off which gets a little annoying. Minor details in the great scheme of things aren’t any big deal for me
Completely amazing gaming chair that feels very soft to sit on, and then you can even lock the wheels so it won’t move.
Locking the wheels while being focused on a game actually feels good, and personally i think it kinda helps focusing even more cause your chair won’t move like crazy.
I can only recommend buying it if you want to have something comfortable to sit on while plqying games or just in general doing stuff on the pc.
Price: Good 👍
Quality: Perfect 🔥
Great chair. Very supportive and comfortable. Made of high quality components. I love the wheels and how effortlessly they glide. If you don't have one, get one.
Blacklyte Athena X Gaming Chair
The only negative point was that I didn’t knew what when the chair was going to be delivered I believe that might be an issue with the system of miscommunication somewhere
Any other than that, the chair is very comfy, very silent when moving do the wheels easy assembly as well! Very happy with my purchase!!
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